Aki Washino
Aki Washino started violin lessons at age 5. Immediately after she entered the Okayama University, she perticipated in the university community orchestra “Okayama University Symphony Orchestra”. Four years later, she performed violin solo part of Saint=Saëns “Prelude and Rondo Cappricioso” with the orchestra.
When she graduated with her degree of Bachelor of Art (English Literature), she joined to the Hoshina Academy Chamber Orchestra “Ensemble=Harmonia”. In addition to being a concertmaster of the orchestra, she has also performed solo violin part of Tchaikovsky Suite No.4 “Mozartiana”, Beethoven “Romance”, and Saint=Saëns “Prelude and Rondo Cappricioso” with her orchestra in the past regular concerts.
As a high-school English teachier, she is teaching English and directing school string ensemble in Shimane prefecture.