How to order rental music

1. Apply your order

Use the form mail attached the end of the page, or send us email

(Change (atmark) to @, (dot) to .)

We will send an estimate for the rent.

2. Send us a signed “Rental Agreement Form” via FAX

Download our “Rental Agreement Form“.
FAX number is written in the form.
If you prefer e-mail, please attach a scanned signed form and send it to :

(Change (atmark) to @, (dot) to .)

Your order is completed after we receive the Rental Agreement Form.

3. We will send an invoice via email.

Please pay full amount of the bill then we ship your rental music.

    * mandatory



    street, address*


    state or province*

    zip code*



    Name of rental music*

    Names of Sections (for suites only)

    Type of rental music*

    Type of your organization or musical experiences*

    Payment method
    *transaction fee: credit card or Paypal 3.49%+$0.49, wire transfer $15. for check, only certified check or money order is accepted.
    Credit Card / PayPalWire Transfermail check

    When is your first concert? [dd/mm/yyyy]*

    When is your last concert? [dd/mm/yyyy]*

    If your billing address is different, please write here.
    For Music School and Conservatory only :
    If your concert ticket is free and the purpose of the concert is education (see here), please write details of the concert to get discount.

    Spam Filter*
    Please answer following simple addition question.

    If the form does not work, please send mail to


    replace (atmark)to@, (dot)to . (period).
    Please include "[HM]" in your subject in order to avoid being filtered out with our spam filter.