Ravel / Menuet antique

 – Arranged for

Wind Orchestra

– Original Composer

Maurice Ravel

– Commission

Commissioned for Albireo Wind Ensemble

– Premier

  • Date : 2024.4.116
  • Place : Cosmic Hall (Hyogo, Kato-She)
  • Cond. : Hiroshi Hoshina
  • Performed by : Albireo Wind Ensemble


– Sample Score

Unaccompanied Flute Solo “Le Rêve féerique” is published!

Unaccompanied Flute Solo “Le Rêve féerique” by Hiroshi Hoshina is published on 3/14!
JPY 480 + shipping

The “Le Rêve féerique” is a compulsory music of semi-final round of the 25th Japan Woodwind Competition 2014 (Flute).

This sheet music is now distributed from Amason.co.jp. Click the yellow amazon button and change language to English with a language switcher on the right top corner of the page.

If you consider buying from us, please follow our instructions in this page.

Japanese Oboe Works : “Reeds Singing a Song” by Tomoyuki Hirota (oboe)


utau_ashi A fantastic solo oboe album performed by Tomoyoki Hirota has been released by Octavia Cryston.

Japanese Oboe Works
Ob. Tomoyuki Hirota
Pf. Iku Miwa
Octavia Cryston(OVCC-105)
Buy in Amazon

In this album Hirota recorded Hiroshi Hoshina’s “Oraison et Jeux ~ sous un rai lumineux (pour hautbois et piano)” , an oboe piece that he commissioned Hoshina to compose his recital held in 2003.

・Michio Kitazume : Reeds singing a song
・Hiroshi Hoshina : Oraison et Jeux ~ sous un rai lumineux
・Kishio Hirao:Sonate pour hautbois et piano
・Yosuke Yamashita : A Letter to Rady Rabbit

For details about the sheet music of Oraison et Jeux, see here.

Sheet Music of Fumon & Mnémosyne is now available!

Hoshina Music Office Orchestra Library 1
FuMon, Mnémosyne
JPY 8000 + shipping

Hiroshi Hoshina’s music is often regarded as being influenced by the French impressionists, yet his works evoke a Japanese aura. In his early career as a composer, he attempted to explore contemporary and experimental music, but decided that did not fit his style, and he begun to explore the possibilities inherent in tonal music. His music is fluid and organic, and sounds like it should be easy to play; however, performers often note the surprising depths and complexities that are characteristic of Hoshina’s music.

Please find detailed descriptions of these works.


Hoshina Music Office Orchestra Library 1 Fumon (orchestra version)

Special Limited Time Offer

Get a free sample CD performed by Hoshina Academy Chamber Orchestra “Ensemble=Harmonia” when you buy this sheet music!

  1. Fumon original version
  2. Mnémosyne – Souvenirs d’année en année –
  3. Oraison et Jeux – sous un rai lumineux –
  4. Requiem – in mourning of the death of a young man
  5. Schubert / Arr. Hoshina / Die Forelle
  6. Schubert / Arr. Hoshina / Erlkönig
  7. Variations for orchestra
  8. Debussy / Arr. Hoshina / Rêverie

スクリーンショット 2013-06-27 1.51.25 AM

retail price for Tohoku area

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